In dreams, the seagull is interpreted as a symbol of possessive love. Furthermore, it can indicate a desire for greater understanding and self-awareness. It is also a symbol of liberty and liberation in life. In a negative sense, the seagull can represent exhaustion and a desire to escape the many troubles and problems of daily life.

What does it mean to dream about Seagull?
A seagull in your dream indicates that you are feeling overwhelmed by your daily responsibilities. You want to throw everything away and flee. In a positive sense, the dream may predict that you will meet someone similar to your ideal.
When you hear a seagull squawking in your dream, it means that you will cope perfectly with the changes that will occur in your life. The coming period will be extremely turbulent, but you should not be concerned because, despite the many changes, you will grow stronger as a result of them.
If you see a seagull flying in your dream, it indicates that you will be unable to maximize your abilities. It will not bother you at first, especially if you are content with your situation, but as your situation worsens, you will regret the lost time.
If a seagull beaks you in your dream, it usually means that you treat your loved ones poorly. Perhaps you have recently irritated them, resulting in a shaky mutual relationship. Try not to hurt your loved ones, as this may cause them to turn away from you.
A dead seagull in your dream represents being trapped in some way. Maybe you're tired of your current job, or maybe things aren't going well at home. Begin by carefully defining your goals and needs, and then consider what you can implement from your list as soon as possible.
A black seagull appearing in a dream foretells problems and difficulties. Despite your good fortune, you will soon face new challenges, so make the most of the time you have left.
A white seagull in your dream foretells the beginning of an extremely prosperous period in your life. You'll finally be able to enjoy the fruits of your labor. In another sense, this type of dream suggests that you should prioritize your priorities.
When you dream of a flock of seagulls, it means you will approach a situation too pessimistically. Instead of worrying, perhaps you should remain calm and begin looking for the best solution. Don't squander your time and energy. A flock of seagulls indicates that someone close to you will finally recognize your strengths.